2 Kings 9 Summary - 5 Minute Bible Study

2 Kings 9 Short Summary:

In 2 Kings 9, Jehu is anointed the next king of Israel. He travels to Jezreel and kills Jehoram (Joram), the king of Israel, and Ahaziah, king of Judah. Afterwards, he ordered Jezebel, Ahab’s wicked wife, to be killed by being thrown out of her window. Her body was eaten by dogs, just as the Elisha had prophesied in 1 Kings 21:23.

2 Kings 9 summary
2 Kings 9 outline

2 Kings 9 Extended Summary


  • According to the timeline we are using for this study, the kingdom of Israel and Judah divided in 975 B.C. The period that followed, sometimes called the period of the “Divided Kingdom,” lasted the next few centuries. Israel remained a cohesive nation until 721 B.C. (Assyrian captivity), while Judah lasted until 607 B.C. (Babylonian exile).

  • Jehu’s reign likely fell within the window of 890-850 B.C.


  • Elisha – The student of Elijah who replaced his master as the prophet of God in Israel.  

  • Young Messenger – A son of the prophets, a servant, who Elisha sent to anoint Jehu king.

  • Jehu – God chose him to be king of Israel after Jehoram. He was the son of Jehoshaphat.

  • Jehoram (Joram) and Ahaziah – The kings of Israel and Judah.

  • Jezebel – The wicked wife of former king Ahab.


  • Jehu was at Ramoth-gilead when he was anointed king.

  • Jehu attacked Jehoram (Joram) and Ahaziah at Jezreel. Jezebel died at Jezreel.

  • Ahaziah died at Megiddo.

2 Kings 9 map - Ramoth-gilead, Megiddo, and Jezreel



    • Elisha sent one of the sons of the prophets to find Jehu and anoint him the next king of Israel.

    • He was to take Jehu aside in private and anoint him with oil from a flask.

    • The young messenger did exactly as he was instructed. He told Jehu he would be the next king of Israel and God would use him to punish the house of Ahab.

    • When the messenger had gone, Jehu told his companions what he had said.

    • They immediately accepted the message, proclaimed Jehu king, and laid their clothing on the steps in front of him as he walked.


    • Before Jehu could become king, he needed to get rid of the reigning king, Jehoram (Joram).

    • Joram was at Jezreel with Ahaziah, the king of Judah.  

    • Jehu rode his chariot to Jezreel, and the two kings came out to meet him.

    • It didn’t take them long to realize Jehu hadn’t come in peace. Jehu condemned Joram for tolerating the wickedness and “sorceries” of his mother, Jezebel.

    • Joram tried to retreat into the city, but Jehu killed him with an arrow shot through the heart.

    • Jehu’s men threw his body in Naboth’s vineyard. Naboth was the man Jezebel had murdered because Ahab coveted his vineyard.

    • Ahaziah also tried to flee the scene, but Jehu’s men shot him, and he died at Megiddo.

  • JEHU KILLS JEZEBEL (9:30-37):

    • When Jehu returned to Jezreel, Jezebel taunted him from her window.

    • Jehu ordered her eunuchs to throw her down from the window.

    • They obeyed his order, and “some of her blood spattered on the wall and on the horses, and they trampled on her” (9:33).

    • After eating, Jehu ordered his men to bury Jezebel’s body, but they discovered it had been eaten by dogs, and only her skull, feet, and palms of her hands remained.

    • This was the fulfillment of God’s prophecy that Jezebel would be eaten by dogs (1 Kings 21:23).


  • When Jesus entered Jerusalem in the event known as the Triumphal Entry, the people put clothing in the road along His path (Luke 19:35-36).

  • Many wonder why the people spread their clothing in the road for Jesus. This chapter gives us some insight into the practice.

  • The people set their clothing on the steps before Jehu to honor him as royalty.

  • The Jews, in their excitement, spread their clothing in the road to honor Jesus as Messiah, Jewish royalty.

Luke Taylor

Luke, together with his wife Megan, are the creators, writers, web designers, and directors of 2BeLikeChrist. Luke holds degrees in Business and Biblical Studies.


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